¡Adios, America! Page 3
Occasionally, Democrats speak openly about what they’re doing. In 2002, liberal journalist John Judis and political scientist Ruy Teixeira wrote a book boasting that immigrants, combined with the Democrats’ usual disgruntled voters—divorcées and college professors—would give Democrats an insuperable majority within a few decades. Third World immigration, they said, would consummate “George McGovern’s revenge”—which up to that point I thought was a particularly nasty lower intestinal condition. A decade later, when Obama won his 2012 reelection, Teixeira gloated that—as he had predicted—ethnic minorities were voting 8–2 for the Democrats, and had grown to nearly one-third of the electorate. “McGovern’s revenge only seems sweeter,” Teixeira said.19
McGovern’s revenge also represents the Democrats’ switch from a party of blue-collar workers to a party of urban elites—feminists, vegans, drug legalizers, untaxed hedge fund operators, and transgender-rights activists. Back when Democrats still claimed to represent working Americans, they opposed illegal immigration. Since being taken over by the Far Left, all that matters to them is changing the electorate to one that doesn’t mind liberal insanity.
It’s striking how so many immigration activists don’t seem to particularly like this country. They tell us that America is a teeming mass of racist, sexist, homophobic bigots. But then they insist on bringing the rest of the world to live here. As Jesse Mills, an ethnic studies professor at the University of San Diego, put it: “The legacy of race, gender, and class oppression in the United States has transported many Somali refugees from one epic struggle to another.”20 Why are liberals so determined to drag innocent Somalis to this hell on earth?
Immigration is how the Left decided to punish America. The anti-American crowd used to dash off to fight with Communist insurgencies in Third World jungles. But the fun of being self-righteous was sometimes cut short when they ended up in prison, like Lori Berenson, who was arrested for her activities with the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement in Peru. Rather than hating America from abroad, today’s radicals can hate it right here at home by bringing the Third World to America! Google immigrant rights group files suit and you’ll get 20 million hits.
Even after the country had twice elected the angel Obama, only 40 percent of liberals told Pew Research they were “proud to be American”—compared with more than 70 percent of conservatives.21 Our recent immigrants agree with liberals! They may like the money, the jobs, and the government benefits, but—like liberals—most immigrants have zero emotional attachment to the United States. According to a Washington Post poll, a majority of second-generation immigrants from Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Vietnam, and the West Indies did not refer to themselves as “Americans” and said America was not the best country in the world.22 They’re not the hottest immigrants in the world, so maybe a solution presents itself.
Being openly hostile to America has become a part of ethnic pride. U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez calls on his own country (technically, the USA) to “stop the deportation of our people [emphasis added]!”23 Don’t be thinking that just because he’s a member of Congress, sworn to uphold the Constitution, that his first loyalty is to the United States. That’s where you always make the same mistake. Gutierrez told Newsweek that he has “only one loyalty, and that’s to the immigrant community.”24 When demanding special treatment, immigrants are minorities oppressed by America; when they commit crimes or terrorist acts, they’re “local man.”
Sending undesirable immigrants to an enemy nation is a war tactic, such as, in 1980, when President Jimmy Carter idiotically offered to take any Cubans who wanted to come to America and Fidel Castro responded by emptying Cuba’s prisons and mental institutions onto the Mariel boatlift.25 Today, immigration is again being used as a war technique by America’s enemies: Democrats. Instead of Communist dictators conniving to send their headaches to the United States, American liberals are conniving to bring them here—and then hand them voter registration cards. Third World immigration is a win-win for the Left. They can instruct immigrants on hating the country and get their housework done at the same time!
It is a striking fact that Communists have managed to infect the working class everywhere in the world—except the United States. Nineteenth-century anarchists hoped to stir up labor unrest with mob violence such as the Haymarket Riot. Stalinists infiltrated labor unions in the 1930s and 1940s. Long-haired student radicals tried to organize blue-collar workers in the sixties. How did that work out? All their efforts fizzled. By 1970, building trades guys were beating up antiwar hippies on Wall Street and storming City Hall to raise the American flag—then being flown at half-staff by Mayor John Lindsay to honor students killed at Kent State University. Blue-collar workers voted overwhelmingly for Reagan, who, along with Nixon, was endorsed by the Teamsters Union.
To its dismay, the American Left is utterly bereft of working-class members—the very proletarian masses they hoped to champion! Instead, their meetings are jammed with college professors and feminists. But you know where liberals have finally found a working class amenable to left-wing politics and violent political demonstrations? Take a look at Latin American politics for your clue.
The immigrants themselves are window dressing for left-wing activists’ campaign to destroy America. Foreign names go on the masthead, but left-wing zealots lead the team.26 Michele Waslin, for years the spokesman for “La Raza”—meaning “a race other than hers”—denounced a legislative proposal to encourage immigrants to learn English and American history, saying “patriotism and traditional American values” are “potentially dangerous to our communities.”27 Leftists have no trouble adopting the persona of an oppressed Third World person. The only identity they have difficulty assuming is: “American.”
At least liberals have a clear mission and know what they’re fighting for: Their plan is to turn America into another Third World hellhole, where the two parties are the Chuck Schumer Democratic Party and the Nancy Pelosi Democratic Party. Republicans can’t think past the next election. They need campaign cash, and their big donors want cheap workers now. We’re lucky if we can get Republicans to think past their kids’ summer jobs. Karl Rove praises illegal immigration, saying: “I don’t want my 17-year-old son to have to pick tomatoes or make beds in Las Vegas.”28 How about one illegal alien gets to stay if Karl Rove goes?
Democrats love the “browning of America” because they need the votes; liberals want it because they seek the destruction of America; and certain business interests support it because they want the cheap labor. They think: Subsidizing my cheap labor with immigrant workers will cost everybody—and we’re part of “everybody”—but the benefits of cheap labor go JUST TO US!
If businessmen think immigrants are going to be libertarians, they’re out of their minds. Look at their home countries! Immigrants have always favored the Democratic Party, but Mexicans can be counted on to develop into a voting bloc that will remain poor and in need of government assistance for generations. Also, it’s part of Mexican culture to bloc-vote for useless left-wing parties. Despite scandals, corruption, and economic failure, the Institutional Revolutionary Party ruled Mexico for seventy-one straight years. Seventy-one years! Even African Americans haven’t been bloc-voting for the Democrats that long. (The GOP might get black votes again if they stood up for African American jobs by opposing the dump of low-wage immigrant labor on the country. Mitt Romney, who had the toughest position on immigration of any major presidential candidate in generations, won nearly 20 percent of the young black male vote—and that was against the country’s first black president.)29
What will happen when people who come from countries where tax evasion is a way of life are supposed to pay taxes? What’s going to happen when a mostly white senior population is being supported by a mostly brown younger population? Whose taxes will be raised to make up the shortfall? Not the people who don
’t pay any taxes at all. Employers don’t care. They want the cheap labor NOW. American businesses are like sharks: All appetite, no brain. They’re willing to screw over everyone in their line of sight to make one more dollar in profit. We’re seeing exactly what Lenin is supposed to have said about capitalists: They will sell us the rope with which to hang them.30
How about asking the employers of immigrant workers to pay the full price of their employees? Immigration is the only area where the rich are allowed to externalize their costs without anyone complaining. If Company A buys Company B in 2015, it will be responsible for Company B’s pollution back in 1975. Why shouldn’t employers be on the hook when their cheap labor becomes a public charge or commits a crime?
Dear Smithfield Packing Company:
Please find enclosed an itemized bill for $1,879,003.59 through June 2015. You’ve been paying your illegal alien workers $8/hour, and that’s just not enough to cover the delivery of their premature babies, schools for their children, and law enforcement to process their crimes. We know it’s not your fault when your illegal employees have children, access welfare, or commit crimes, but it’s not the county’s fault either. Luckily, you’ve got deep pockets—thanks in part to all that cheap foreign labor. Please remit this payment by next Monday or your CEO and board of directors will be criminally prosecuted.
At least mass immigration from the Third World has finally solved the rich’s “servant problem.” As soon as European immigrants figured out they had other options besides being housemaids in Manhattan, the servant problem arose. It has been a headache for the well-heeled Manhattanite ever since. An immigration policy heavily biased toward the world’s poor fixes that. Today, even TV writers and law associates can have veritable retinues of domestics. Upper-middle-class people enjoy not having to make their own beds or pick up the kids from school. And their pools are totally clean—not even a little slime! Instead of just admitting that immigration benefits only a small group of already well-off people, mass-immigration advocates say: If you oppose how we’re changing the country, you’re against Lupe, the maid. The one-percenters can’t grasp that the law of supply and demand means that they’re the ones hurting Lupe by bringing in more poor people to compete with her. The rich get all the benefits of cheap servants—and they get to look enlightened at the same time!
Without an immigration moratorium, the country Lupe thought she was moving to won’t exist anymore.
Never in human history has a country simply decided to turn itself into another country like this. No offense to Mexico. Love the food! But Japan doesn’t say, “Let’s become Sweden!” Finland doesn’t say, “Let’s be Scotland!” I don’t want to live in Japan. I don’t want to live in Scotland. I wanted to live in America. So did Lupe. Why don’t American elites?
Everyone who supports our current immigration policies does so for his own reason:
Democrats for the votes;
Employers for the cheap labor;
Rich people for the nannies, maids, and gardeners;
Republicans for the campaign cash; and
Churches for the taxpayer money.31
You will notice that none of these reasons has anything to do with what’s good for the country.
An immigration law premised on the idea that America owes the rest of the world would be bad enough. But Third World immigration + massive welfare state + political correctness = The End of America. We not only favor immigrants as different from us as possible, but we no longer ask anything of immigrants in terms of assimilation. We can’t. That would be “racist.”
In 1915, future Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis gave a speech on what he called “Americanization Day”—the Fourth of July. He said that the process of newcomers becoming Americans involved not only superficial changes, such as adopting “the clothes, the manners and the customs generally prevailing here” or even the “far more important” acquisition of English.32 The change, he said, was far more “fundamental”:
[T]he immigrant is not Americanized unless his interests and affections have become deeply rooted here. And we properly demand of the immigrant even more than this. He must be brought into complete harmony with our ideals and aspirations and cooperate with us for their attainment. Only when this has been done will he possess the national consciousness of an American.33
And Brandeis was talking exclusively about European immigrants—not Mapuche Indians of Araucanía, with their rich tradition of human sacrifice.34
Flash to 2014: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upholds a California school’s ban on wearing American flag T-shirts so as not to upset Mexican immigrants celebrating Cinco de Mayo.35 It is impossible to imagine a prominent American like Louis Brandeis giving a speech today titled: “True Americanism”—unless it were to pay tribute to the important contribution made by Mexicans demonstrating on Cinco de Mayo.
As long as the immigrants were white Europeans, America was allowed to demand that they assimilate, by which it is meant: You adopt our culture. Not: You get to impose your culture on us. But now that our immigrants are overwhelmingly poor brown people, the rules of political correctness require that we submit to their culture. “[W]e have left the time,” Martha Farnsworth Riche of the Population Reference Bureau said in 1991, “when the nonwhite, non-Western part of our population could be expected to assimilate to the dominant majority. In the future, the white Western majority will have to do some assimilation of its own.”36
By 1993, citizenship ceremonies were being conducted in Spanish—presided over by U.S. District Judge Alfredo Marquez—a Carter appointee, naturally. When some Americans complained about Spanish-language swearing-in ceremonies, civil rights advocate Isabel Garcia de Romo accused them of “insulting the American people by making us think that we need to function with only one language and only one culture.”37
Before 1980, the census didn’t even ask about languages other than English spoken at home.38 By 2010, 60 million people primarily spoke a language other than English. Thirty-seven million people living in America spoke Spanish at home, followed by Chinese, French, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Korean.39 Pew Research estimates that by 2050, Hispanics will make up 30 percent of the country and Asians nearly 10 percent, while whites will constitute less than half of the population.
We have some worthy recent immigrants who vote Republican right away and don’t require six generations to understand the Democrats. But most don’t. Unlike in Brandeis’s day, immigrants today are immediately sunk into the warm bath of food stamps, housing assistance, Social Security disability payments, and multilingual ballots and street signs. The whole country can’t keep suffering through Obama presidencies just to teach the newcomers a life lesson. We can’t wait for every state to become California for the country to see what a white-minority country will be like.
It’s not helping to have liberals patronizing immigrants with manifest nonsense about America being “a nation of immigrants!” If U.S. schools still taught U.S. history, this would not come as an exciting surprise, but America is not a nation of immigrants. It’s a nation of British and Dutch settlers. We all have a stake in preserving what they created—“we” meaning all of us, except the very rich and the Democratic Party. If America disappears—the America liberals hate and Wall Street is indifferent to—everyone will suffer.
Despite a hegemonic propaganda campaign about all cultures being equal, they aren’t. Americans are utterly unprepared for the cultures being imposed on them, and the media cover-up can’t hide the truth forever. People notice when their little girls are raped and killed by Mexicans, their Arab shopkeepers commit honor killings, their Hmong neighbors are pimping out little girls and clubbing German shepherd puppies to death, their Indian landlord is importing concubines, and their Chinese acquaintances are murdering their wives out of “humiliation.” They notice when Albanians and Russians move in—and suddenly their communiti
es are hotbeds of human trafficking, Medicare fraud, and “crash for cash” auto insurance frauds. They can see when their national parks are closed because Mexicans have dumped trash, set wildfires, planted pot farms, and scrawled graffiti on ancient Indian petroglyphs.
This is a price the elites are happy to pay. Of course, they aren’t the ones paying it. The Third World invasion being aggressively hidden by the media will never make it to Park Avenue or Nob Hill. The price is being paid exclusively by ordinary Americans. Almost alone in the world, white, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon America has been a haven for minorities, women, children, plants, and animals. None have fared so well in any other culture. As the lawyer for two Iraqi men charged with child rape in Nebraska said, America’s views about women and children “put us in the minority position in the world.”40 Once America is gone, there won’t be anyplace left to go.
WITH IMMIGRATION, THE MOST POWERFUL FORCES IN OUR CULTURE ARE ALL on the same page—the Democrats, the rich, Washington lobbyists, Republican consultants, and money-grubbing churches. Even stalwarts on other conservative issues, like the Wall Street Journal, are with the Left on mass immigration from the Third World. When it comes to society’s rich and powerful, immigration is the great unifier. The only ones opposed to fundamentally transforming this country into some other country are the American people.
Their goal, therefore, is to prevent Americans from thinking about immigration. Mass-immigration advocates keep banning words, so no one can ever talk about what is being done to the country. They say, Great, sure, talk about immigration. Here are the ground rules: You’re not allowed to use the words “amnesty,” “alien,” “illegal,” “Third World,” or “primitive culture.” They’re halfway to banning the word “Mexican.” (That’s how popular immigration is!) Any mention of the forbidden words will prompt open-borders proponents to veer off into a lecture about tolerance and racism. Oh well, if it’s racist, we want no part of it. We didn’t realize the New York Times had made that finding.